Heart and Vascular

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Heart and Vascular

Cardiac Rehabilitation

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Our Cardiac Rehabilitation Team

Unique Capabilities and Expertise

During your cardiac rehabilitation program, you will have access to a team of experienced clinical staff. These experts will develop customized programs to help you stay heart  healthy.

Providers Contributing to Your Cardiac Rehabilitation

Your cardiac rehab team may include, but isn't limited to:

  • Program Administrator: Works with your physician and insurance provider to help you get signed up for cardiac rehabilitation.
  • Registered Nurse: Completes a risk assessment and develops a treatment plan just for you. Also works with your physician on your treatment plan, test results, medication tracking and progress in the program.
  • Exercise Physiologist: Develops a supervised and structured exercise program, adjusting for your needs and progress.
  • Nutritionist: Works with you to develop a nutrition plan that works for you.
  • Stress Management Specialist: Helps you manage stress, provides lifestyle and health responsibility counseling, and connects you to resources to help you stop smoking, if needed.
  • Physician: Provides supervision and program management to the entire cardiac rehabilitation team to ensure patients can participate in a safe, comprehensive and medically appropriate program and achieve their goals.

Your team will provide clinical care and teach you how to make heart-healthy changes, including exercise, diet, stress relief and smoking cessation.