Medical Education

Family Medicine - Doctors Hospital

Family Medicine - Doctors Hospital

We are dedicated to training our residents in comprehensive family medicine healthcare.

Our ACGME-certified residency program continuously strives to achieve top standards in teaching patient care. We are part of one of the largest osteopathic training sites in the United States.  

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NRMP Program Code: 2122120C0

Why Choose Family Medicine at Doctors Hospital

Our residency program is designed to bring you up to speed smoothly, while learning from the best minds in the field.


A Comprehensive Curriculum for In-depth Training

Strong didactics: Our didactics change to meet new resident learning styles, with access to Johns Hopkins Modules and Rosh Review for board preparation. 

AMBULATORY FOCUS: Rotations are geared toward outpatient medicine to develop in-depth competency unique to family medicine needs. 

Hands-on experience: Osteopathic-Recognized Our ACGME-certified program is from one of 
the largest osteopathic training sites in the United States.

MANAGEMENT PREPARATION: Our business office rotations and didactic sessions ensure residents feel prepared to successfully manage a family medicine practice after graduation.

Diverse Clinical Experience

A strong emphasis is placed on teaching and performing in-office procedures, including nexplanon and IUD insertions/removals, colposcopy, minor skin procedures, joint injection/aspiration and cryotherapy.

  • Family Practice — Ambulatory experience in the Family Practice Center over 2 and 1/2 blocks in PGY 1 (plus 1/2 day clinic weekly during out-rotations), 10 blocks in PGY2, and 10 blocks in PGY3. This continuity requirement is separate from all other training experiences.
  • Internal Medicine — Six months. A mix of hospital-based and ambulatory experiences provide cognitive and procedure-oriented options.
  • Surgery — Four blocks. The focus is directed towards outpatient experiences in orthopedics, urology, general surgery and otorhinolargyngology.
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology — Three months. Office gynecology is stressed and experience enhanced through the Women's Health Clinic at Doctors Hospital. Additional OB experience is through Grant Medical Center.
  • Pediatrics — Four and a half months. Training sites include hospital-based clinics, private offices and a nationally renowned pediatric hospital.
  • Emergency Medicine — Three months. There will be adequate training for a wide variety of undifferentiated, acutely-ill emergency issues in the traditional ER (both community and pediatric hospitals), as well as through the ER Fast Track.
  • Electives — One month as PGY1, two months as PGY2 and three months as PGY3.

Support for Our Residents

Our program is designed to ensure residents experience success and well-being during their years of training. It includes but is not limited to the following:

Scholarly Activity

We foster an environment of collaboration between residents, faculty and the medical community to support research pursuits. To that end, our family residency program offers protected time set aside for research, as well as access to the experts and resources at the OhioHealth Research and Innovation Institute. Residents further have support from a collaborative Doctors Hospital Family Practice research committee and faculty research advisors.

Valuable Program Resources
  • Pharmacists are on staff for medicine-list reconciliations and complicated therapeutic questions.
  • A PCMH Health Coach is available for support in challenging situations concerning patient management.
  • We have wellness initiatives that meet ACGME duty-hour regulations and allow for time away to attend doctor appointments. OhioHealth’s employee assistance program provides additional wellness resources and support.
  • Residents have $1,800 annual stipend to use for travel, food and lodging for conferences attended while in training. Monies can also be used for research related expenses (presentations, conferences, etc).
Community Outreach

Residents at the Doctors Hospital Family Practice Residency are actively engaged in a variety of community service projects. Our community work provides residents the opportunity to build competence in treating diverse patients in a variety of settings.This includes the OhioHealth Wellness on Wheels 54-foot mobile unit that brings primary care services to residents of underserved neighborhoods.