Hardin Memorial Hospital
Hardin Memorial Hospital

Insurance and Billing at Hardin Memorial Hospital

Financial Options Available to Patients

Our goal is to make the insurance and billing process as simple as possible for our patients, so that they can focus on their care and recovery after a hospital stay. Our team is ready to assist should you have any questions.

You will receive a copy of your hospital bill a few weeks after your hospital stay. You also may receive other bills from your doctors, including your family doctor or specialists.

We know that for us to correctly manage your hospital bill is important. If you have any questions about charges, please call the OhioHealth Customer Call Center at (614) 566-1505 or toll-free at (844) 379-4962.

Prices for healthcare services are available from Registration, Patient Financial Services or the OhioHealth Price Line, (614) 566-8707.

Accepted Insurance

Financial Assistance

If you are in need of financial assistance, please read the following Financial Assistance and Charity Care information:

Financial Assistance Policy Summary (includes phone numbers and addresses of who to contact for help)
Financial Assistance Application
Financial Assistance Application Instructions
HCAP Charity Worksheet
List of Providers at Hardin Memorial Hospital
OhioHealth Financial Assistance Policy
OhioHealth Financial Assistance Procedure